Tag Archive | Relationships

Worlds Apart

One Look
was enough –
to remember everything.

We are not friends.
Not foes.
But mere acquaintances.

I remember the boy you were,
the spark that was there,
the forever that never happened.

Now you are theirs –
Your baby girl
Forever yours;
while you were never mine.

One Look enough
to remember
we are worlds apart,

to remember everything
and admit it’s time
to let it all go.


Its Late…

Its late and I can’t sleep. I have this urge to write but I’ve got nothing substantial to write about. My mind is a maze of thoughts and feelings and I know that none of them really intertwine enough to make anything even mildly comprehensive… While at times I’m sure that, to some, I might sound intelligent and normal; I feel really young and teen-like tonight…help – I’m becoming my pupils! Perhaps even listing off what is on my mind will help me relax and finally find sleep…

-How I love Santa Maria by the Frames. There is a certain magic hidden within this song that I fell in love with the second I heard it over 7 years ago – Have a listen and let me know what you think! 
-How Saturday night will be interesting because someone unexpected will probably turn up and make things really awkward all round… God damn immature people and their compulsive need for drama
– How disheartening it is to be working where I’m working….Something major needs to happen to turn the place around…
– How I miss my best friend…why you need to go to college in a different  country and be so far away is beyond me 😦
– How I’m slowly but surely getting interested in One Direction… I might be 24 but I like them… Respect!
– How I hope to get tickets to go to see Ed Sheeran tomorrow morning
– How I hope I’m not taxed too much with my wages tomorrow…
– How sick I was today…not nice.. hope I’m better tomorrow!
– How I HAVE to read the new JK Rowling book… even though nothing could ever impress as much as the Harry Potter series (mmmm Rupert!)
– How much I want to try to do something to help these girls in school… I need something to make them believe that they can achieve more than what they think they can… I need to do something out-of-this-world fantastic…
-How tired I am! 🙂
– How there’s this little feeling inside me telling me that something great is going to happen soon and I feel like I’m waiting for it (I don’t even know if that even makes sense to anyone that doesn’t live inside my brain?!)
– How its payday tomorrow! I’m getting my first payment from a school for teaching! My first pay packet from my career!!! 🙂 Exciting!!!

Hopefully having this on paper/screen will help me let it all go and sleep…
Listen to the song!!! They’re Irish, they’re great… the song is perfect! 🙂
Sweetest of dreams to you all! x