Tag Archive | music

Happy Songs to Cheer Me Up

Right now I am on a quest…

While watching the Live episode of Emmerdale (I never watch it but decided to see how they got on due to the copious amount of tweets about it) I decided to do something that has, inevitably, been done a million times over. I decided to compile a playlist of Happy Songs, songs that will cheer me up no matter what mood I’m in! So… here we go… (These are in no particular order by the way!)

1. Here Comes The Sun by The Beatles 

In my old secondary school the students pick a graduation song which is the last song they hear at the end of their graduation mass. My one was a weird mix of three songs, only one of which any of us knew. It was a joke and an embarrassment. However, when my brother left the school, this was their graduation song and I fell in love with it. I had never heard a more positive, gentle, encouraging song in my life. It seems to be the only song I can listen to that assures me that there will be good times ahead and that everything will be fine no matter what. Love it.

2. Walking On Sunshine by Katrina and the Waves 

Let’s face it, how can anyone listen to this song and not start tapping their feet and jiggling around a bit?! It’s such a feel-good song! (Even as I’m typing this I’m doing a little jiggy/bumpy/boppy sitting-down-dance in my chair… Irresistable!!)

3. All You Need is Love by The Beatles 

I don’t think it should be legal for a happy playlist to be compiled that does not contain a Beatles song! Such an unmaterialistic song! Love it!

4. Wake Up It’s a Beautiful Morning by The Boo Radleys 

The more I’m listening to these songs the more I’m dancing around the room like a lunatic! This song, I just adore it! Imagine waking up to this every day – you would be the  most positive person on the planet. Fact.

5. Glad All Over by The Dave Clark Five

This is the song on the McDonald’s ad. It always makes me happy imagining running in and/or around gigantic Happy Meal boxes! It reminds me of the inner child….or outer…take your pick!


Just putting this post together has put me in the happiest mood EVER! It’s amazing how much of an effect thinking positively can have!
Try doing this – I can promise you it’s worth it!!! 🙂 I’m a seriously happy bunny right now!
Adios Amigos! x


Here’s to 24!

I turned 24 on Wednesday. Go me! 🙂 It’s like having a personal New Year which I get to view as a fresh start, a fresh chance at things. I hadn’t been posting at all lately which, again, was due to being down and feeling like I was going to constantly repeat what I’d been complaining about in previous posts. However, new age, new year, new start.

Yesterday morning I got up quite early – I had tinnitus for a few days and it was impossible to sleep with the constant ringing in my head! I got 4 extra hours of awake-ness in before I left for work. It was awesome! I did soooo many things before work that I wouldn’t have had a chance to do if I had risen at the usual time of 10.30am for a 12pm shift. I felt good about myself for that little difference alone. One of the goals in my bucket list is to become an early riser and I had my taste of it yesterday and I must say it tasted quite nice!

Today then, I had a lie in (it was the first time in days that I had no ringing in my head and honestly had sooooo much sleep to catch up on!) I still got up early enough to watch a movie before work! I watched The Secret. I turned 24, and I realise that it is in no way a significant age/landmark, but I decided quite firmly that 24 is going to be a MUCH better year than 23 was for me. 23 was stressful, due to my hDip, and depressing, due to my stupid over-thinking brain. I cannot let this keep happening…. I have resolved to make 24 a year of embracing positivity and trying to beat the anxiety and depression which I so often feel and get suffocated by.

Anyway, I watched The Secret. (You can access the video here) Even watching the video was enough to make me smile. I allowed the words to seep in and was very aware of my thoughts as I proceeded to get ready for work. I put on a playlist of happy songs and danced around the room as I put on my uniform. Its amazing how much music can affect your moods!

The Law of Attraction was on my brain for the day. There is one part of the movie where someone says something along the lines of: “start with something small like a cup of coffee. Make it your intention to attract a cup of coffee today.”
So I took their advice. I thought of a certain person who I hadn’t spoken to or seen in years – a friend of my ex’s mother – yes, that distant, just to test it. Believe it or not I saw her today. Not only did I see her, I also saw her sister and many people who looked like her – weird or what! I also went online to look at books and found some of the books that I planned to read before next summer (See my previous post about books!) on an offer – 3for2! Delighted! I’ve now purchased the books along with one or two more on positive thinking!

I also told myself this morning that I would get work in a school soon. It was 1.15pm when I got a phone call from a school looking for me to come in to cover classes next week. Not just any school, but my old school, the one school I really really really want to work in! I’m telling you, I’ve tried using the Law of Attraction before and it hadn’t really worked for me. Now though, when I really need it more than ever, when I need it to keep me from falling down the hole of darkness that so often looms next to me, it starts working. Try it. It’s tough sometimes to keep going, to keep believing, but try it!

This is the year that is going to make a difference!!!

I’ll Get Through This…

Today was one of the strangest days and I know, before I even begin, that my words won’t be able to do me any justice tonight. However, I am determined to blog regularly so I’m going to power through.

I fell in love with a guy about 7 or 8 years ago and have never been able to get over him. Any guy I went out with, or started something with, or even considered kissing, was never able to “measure up” to him. Nothing ever happened between us but a lot was said. I don’t know what happened, but some strange spell of blinding faith was cast upon me and I’ve never been able to shake it off. Even though I know how ridiculous it sounds, I always thought that somewhere down the line that his life and mine would reconnect and intertwine once again. Today though, that piece of hope came crashing down.

In a complete daze I walked, on autopilot, to a friend. We watched a movie “Riding in Cars with Boys – something that didn’t exactly help. But there was a song in it that made me think.  All I Have to do is Dream by the Everly Brothers.  One line in this stood out to me: only trouble is geewhiz
i’m dreaming my life away

It’s not going to be easy but I need to stand up tall, (maybe consume a large quantity of alcohol), keep my head high and take everything step by step. I can do this.

One quote haunts me when I think about what this is going to be like.
Trying to get over someone you love is like trying to remember someone you never knew.

I can do this.